7 research outputs found

    Emilio Betti: A Humanist between Law and Philosophy

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    Emilio Betti was not only one of the greatest Romanists and jurists of the contemporary era, but he was also a historian and philosopher. As a legal scholar, his writings on the great themes of legal his-tory and on the philosophers who have dealt with them certainly de-serve reconsideration and critical evaluation. In addition, Betti’s anal-ysis of the role of jurists and their prudential deserves attention. These include analyses and reflections on the different eras of Ro-man history, both during the Republic and in subsequent eras, which are still of absolute relevance today. In particular, it is the debate on pandectics and the importance of the critique of European pandectics that marks an epochal shift in the study of law. Betti was an eminent scholar of law, who studied it in all its forms, always studying law from a historical and dynamic perspective, and had been a teacher not only of Roman law, but of various legal disciplines, and above all of subjects that had the current law as its object, in particular con-temporary law

    Editors' Introduction

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    Emilio Betti was not only one of the greatest Romanists and jurists of the contemporary era, but he was also a historian and philosopher. As a legal scholar, his writings on the great themes of legal his-tory and on the philosophers who have dealt with them certainly de-serve reconsideration and critical evaluation. In addition, Betti’s anal-ysis of the role of jurists and their prudential deserves attention. These include analyses and reflections on the different eras of Ro-man history, both during the Republic and in subsequent eras, which are still of absolute relevance today. In particular, it is the debate on pandectics and the importance of the critique of European pandectics that marks an epochal shift in the study of law. Betti was an eminent scholar of law, who studied it in all its forms, always studying law from a historical and dynamic perspective, and had been a teacher not only of Roman law, but of various legal disciplines, and above all of subjects that had the current law as its object, in particular con-temporary law

    Emilio Betti, interpretazione del diritto e impegno del giurista contemporaneo

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    This article examines Betti’s work from the perspective of the interpretation of Law and the engagement of the contemporary jurist. In Betti this is a closely interrelated double approach. There are five stages that mark this examination: the first aims at defining the innovative character of Betti’s interpretation of the Law; the second aims at deepening the perspective of legal realism as the main road for the study of living Law; the third focuses on changes in legal language and the dynamic interpretation of Law: the fourth is interested in reconsidering, through Betti, the idea of res publica in intertwining with the continuous search for the values of coexistence; and, finally, the fifth is interested in reconsidering Betti’s interpretation of living Law and of European Legal culture.Questo saggio esamina l’opera di Betti sul fronte dell’interpretazione del diritto e dell’engagement del giurista contemporaneo, un doppio fronte in Betti strettamente interrelato. Cinque le tappe che scandiscono tale esame: una prima mirante a definire il carattere innovativo specifico dell’interpretazione del diritto di Betti; una seconda mirante ad approfondire la prospettiva del realismo giuridico quale via maestra per lo studio del diritto vivente; una terza focalizzata sui mutamenti del linguaggio giuridico e l’interpretazione dinamica del diritto; una quarta interessata a riconsiderare, attraverso Betti, l’idea di res publica nell’intreccio con la ricerca continua dei valori della convivenza; e, infine, una quinta, finalizzata a una rilettura di Betti interprete del diritto vivente e della cultura giuridica europea

    El Derecho constitucional entre método comparado y ciencia de la cultura: (el pensamiento de Peter Häberle y la exigencia de modificar el método de estudio del Derecho constitucional)

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    El autor repasa el pensamiento constitucional de Peter Häberle. Señala como su obra invita a prestar una mayor atención a los contenidos valorativos de los esquemas dogmáticos del Derecho constitucional de cada ordenamiento jurídico; lleva a los juristas a sentirse más responsables de las propias valoraciones, de las propias referencias culturales y a tomar distancia de toda construcción que se pretenda guiar por elementos dogmáticos ajenos a la dialéctica cultural del propio tiempo. A partir de aquí nos muestra el autor como la doctrina de Häberle no presenta la Constitución como un orden heterónomo, proveniente de un órgano político, o como un acto normativo imputable al soberano, sino como una realidad viva que trasciende al Estado y en continuo devenir. Abierta la Constitución al pensamiento de alternativas hace falta ciertamente un estudio cada vez más atento de la realidad, menos condicionado por la adhesión a abstractas concepciones ideológicas, ilustradas o románticas, y sobre todo hace falta recelar de las construcciones que responden a la lógica de un único sistema dogmático, sin conexión con los contextos históricos, económicos y culturales. Es así el momento de los ¿niveles textuales¿ y del derecho comparado como quinto método interpretativo

    Editors' Introduction

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    Emilio Betti was not only one of the greatest Romanists and jurists of the contemporary era, but he was also a historian and philosopher. As a legal scholar, his writings on the great themes of legal history and on the philosophers who have dealt with them certainly deserve reconsideration and critical evaluation. In addition, Betti’s analysis of the role of jurists and their prudential deserves attention. These include analyses and reflections on the different eras of Roman history, both during the Republic and in subsequent eras, which are still of absolute relevance today. In particular, it is the debate on pandectics and the importance of the critique of European pandectics that marks an epochal shift in the study of law. Betti was an eminent scholar of law, who studied it in all its forms, always studying law from a historical and dynamic perspective, and had been a teacher not only of Roman law, but of various legal disciplines, and above all of subjects that had the current law as its object, in particular contemporary law...


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    Emilio Betti non è stato solo tra i più grandi romanisti e giuristi dell’epoca contemporanea, ma storico e filosofo. Come studioso di diritto, richiederebbero certamente una riconsiderazione e valutazione critica i suoi scritti sui grandi temi della storia del diritto e sui filosofi che se ne sono occupati. Tra le diverse cose, meriterebbe attenzione l’analisi bettiana del ruolo dei giuristi e della loro prudentia: si tratta di analisi e riflessioni sulle diverse epoche della storia romana, sia durante la Repubblica che nelle epoche successive, che risultano ancora oggi di rilevanza assoluta

    L'attività amministrativa tra principi costituzionali e principi eurounitari.

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    l'evoluzione in chiave democratica dell'attività della publica amministrazione nell'ordinamento costituzionale della Repubblica e l'apporto in tal senso ricevuto dall'ordinamento eurounitario